






博士,副教授、碩士生導師,2013年畢業於德國達姆施塔特工業大學💆‍♂️,2014年開始在上海理工大學工作🥬。主要研究方向光散射的電磁場理論、顆粒與兩相流在線檢測技術、彩虹測量技術👆🏿🦁、固體推進劑燃燒過程的顆粒物測量和霧化液滴的測量,主持國家自然科學基金1項🌛🌴、上海市自然科學基金1項👨🏻‍🦼,參與重點實驗室基金項目1項、德國DFG項目2項,在Optics LettersOptics Express🧙‍♀️、Applied Optics等國內外學術期刊上發表論文20余篇。曾獲“國家優秀自費留學生獎學金”和“中國顆粒學會科學技術進步團隊獎”。









2009–2013🧌,德國Technische Universität Darmstadt💏,流體力學與空氣動力學研究所🪸,博士







  1. Zhiying Wang, Haitao Yu, Jie Yang*, and  Jianqi Shen, Möbius shifts associated with the third-order and the fourth-order rainbows of a spheroidal droplet computation, Applied Optics, 61(3): 826835, (2022).

  2. Wenting Wang, Haitao Yu*, Jianqi Shen, and Cameron Tropea, Data inversion algorithms for droplet characterization based on simulated rainbows, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 277, 107986 (2022).

  3. Jiayi Wang, Haitao Yu*, Jianqi Shen, Bin Yang, and Cameron Tropea, Simulation of the optical caustics associated with the primary rainbow for oblate spheroidal drops illuminated by a Gaussian beam, Optics Express, 29(1), 377384 (2021).

  4. Xiang Liu, Jianqi Shen*, Peng Gong and Haitao Yu, Inclusion of the tunneling phase shift for interferometric particle imaging for bubble sizing, Particuology,54, 5057 (2021).

  5. 李永華, 潘科瑋, 平力, 楊斌, 於海濤*, 沈建琪, 固體推進劑燃燒顆粒粒徑的在線測量, 光學學報, 40(15), 1512003 (2020).

  6. Yayuan Cao, Wenting Wang, Haitao Yu*, Jianqi Shen and Cameron Tropea, Characterization of refractive index and size of a spherical drop by using Gaussian beam scattering in the secondary rainbow region, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 242, 106785 (2020).

  7. Haitao Yu*, Jianqi Shen, Cameron Tropea and Feng Xu, Model for computing optical caustic partitions for the primary rainbow from tilted spheriodal drops, Optics Letters, 44(4), 823826 (2019).  

  8. Haitao Yu*, Hui Sun, Jianqi Shen, and Cameron Tropea, Measurements of refractive index and size of a spherical drop from Gaussian beam scattering in the primary rainbow region. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 207, 8388 (2018).

  9. Jianqi Shen, Xiang Liu, Wei Wang, Haitao Yu, Calculation of light scattering of an elliptical Gaussian beam by a spherical particle, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35(8), 12881298 (2018).

  10. 孫輝, 於海濤*, 沈建琪. 基於一階彩虹區域高斯光散射的液滴測量, 光子學報, 47(1), 0129003 (2018).

  11. 管露露, 於海濤, 沈建琪,均勻橢球形液滴三階和四階彩虹條紋特征, 光學學報, 37(03), 0329001, 18 (2017).

  12. Lulu Guan, Haitao Yu*, Jianqi Shen, and Cameron Tropea, Simulation of optical caustics associated with the tertiary rainbow of oblate droplets, Applied Optics, 55(23), 64476451 (2016).

  13. Haitao Yu*, Jianqi Shen, and Cameron Tropea, Application of vector ray tracing to the computation of Möbius shifts for the primary and secondary rainbows, Applied Optics, 54(31), 90939101 (2015).

  14. Haitao Yu*, Jianqi Shen, and Cameron Tropea, Optical caustics associated with the primary and the secondary rainbows of oblate droplets, Proc. SPIE 9232, 923207 (2014).

  15. Haitao Yu*, Feng Xu, and Cameron Tropea, Simulation of optical caustics associated with the secondary rainbow of oblate droplets, Optics Letters, 38(21), 44694472 (2013).

  16. Haitao Yu*, Feng Xu, and Cameron Tropea, Optical caustics associated with the primary rainbow of oblate droplets: simulation and application in non-sphericity measurement, Optics Express, 21(22), 2576125771 (2013).

  17. Haitao Yu*, Feng Xu, and Cameron Tropea, Spheroidal droplet measurements based on generalized rainbow patterns, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 126, 105112 (2013).

  18. Haitao Yu*, Feng Xu, and Cameron Tropea, Application of generalized rainbow patterns on spheroidal droplets measurement, in GALA 21st Conference on Laser Methods in Fluid Measurement (3-5 September 2013, München), 57.157.8.

  19. Jianqi Shen, Haitao Yu, Jindeng Lu, Light propagation and reflection-refraction event in absorbing media, Chinese Optics Letters, 8(1), 111114 (2010).

  20. Haitao Yu, Jianqi Shen, and Yuehuan Wei, Geometrical optics approximation for light scattering by absorbing spherical particles, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 110(13), 11781189 (2009).

  21. Yuehuan Wei, Jianqi Shen*, and Haitao Yu, Numerical calculation of multiple scattering with the layer model, Particuology, 7(1), 7682 (2009).

  22. Haitao Yu, Jianqi Shen*, and Yuehuan Wei, Geometrical optics approximation of light scattering by large air bubbles, Particuology, 6(5), 340346 (2008).


  1. 上海市自然科學基金面上項目👩🏼‍🦳,基於彩虹散射的霧化液滴蒸發和燃燒的測試方法和技術研究👩🏽‍🚀,21ZR14452002021.072024.06🪚,主持。

  2. 裝備預研重點實驗室基金項目🌄,固體推進劑燃燒顆粒場與溫度場同步測量方法研究👸🏽,6142701010403172018.012019.12,參與。

  3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,基於廣義彩虹散射的霧化場橢球形液滴測量方法的研究🟰,515061292016.012018.12🪳,主持☝🏻。

  4. 德國科學基金會(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf🏬,DFG)🛰,Optical techniques for measurement of interfacial transport phenomena🤾,GRK 1114524000532013.01–2013.12,參與。

  5. 德國科學基金會(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf)TR 194/491🔙,Development of Debye series for light scattering by a spheroid2009.05–2012.05,參與⏳。




現擔任中國顆粒學會青年理事👨‍👨‍👦‍👦、中國計量測試學會多相流測試專委會青年委員,Chinese Optics LettersApplied Optics🧩、 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer、光學學報和中國激光等期刊的審稿人🧘🏿‍♀️。



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