


報告題目一:Bifurcations of Travelling Wave Solutions for Fully Nonlinear Water Waves

  with Surface Tension in the Generalized Serre-Green-Naghdi Equations




報告人簡介:李繼彬,華僑大學和浙江師範大學特聘教授, 博士生導師, 動力系統與非線性研究中心負責人, 國家級突出貢獻專家, 1991年獲首屆國務院特殊津貼🏨。曾任四屆國家自然科學基金委數學學科評審專家組成員, 雲南省科學技術委員會常務委員, 三屆雲南省數學會理事長,雲南省應用數學研究所副所長, 昆明理工大學必一体育平台院長等🦤。現為《應用數學與力學》等全國和國際性刊物的編委;美國《數學評論》與德國《數學文摘》評論員。主持承擔國家自然科學基金重點項目和面上項目等10余項, 發表論文220余篇, 出版中英文專著8, 主編教材兩本、出版科普書兩部👱‍♂️👩🏼‍🌾。三十余年培養碩士和博士研究生70余人。科研成果曾分別獲雲南省和浙江省科學技術一等獎。1987-2017, 先後三十余次應邀到美國、俄國、法國🙋🏽‍♀️、加拿大、德國、英國🚣🏼、澳大利亞、西班牙、新加坡、南非等國家和香港✳️、澳門🖖、臺灣等地區多所大學和研究機構進行科研合作與學術交流。

報告摘要: For the generalized Serre-Green-Naghdi equations with surface tension, by using the methodologies of dynamical systems and singular traveling wave theory developed Li \& Chen [2007] to their travelling wave systems, in different parameter conditions of the parameter space, all possible bounded solutions (solitary wave solutions, kink wave solutions, peakons, pseudo-peakons and periodic peakons as well as compactons) are obtained. More than 26 explicit exact parametric representations are given. It is interesting to find that this fully nonlinear water waves equation has coexistence of uncountably infinitely many smooth solitary wave solutions or uncountably infinitely many pseudo-peakon solutions with periodic solutions or compacton solutions. Differing from the well-known peakon solution of the Camassa-Holm equation, the generalized Serre-Green-Naghdi equations have four new forms of peakon solutions.


報告題目二🤡:Bifurcation Methods of Periodic Orbits for Piecewise Smooth Systems




報告人簡介🧑🏻‍🔬:韓茂安,男,二級教授、博士生導師🤹🏿。生於196112月,19822月畢業於山東科技大學數學系,分別於198411月和 19876月在南京大學獲得碩士和博士學位🤞🏽。19877月至199610月間在山東科技大學工作👨‍👨‍👧,199611月至20055月間在上海交通大學工作,20056月起在上海師大工作至今🏝,201810月起作為浙江師大傑出教授在浙江師大任職。曾獲得國家中青年突出貢獻專家稱號、入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃和上海市優秀學科帶頭人支持計劃、獲得寶鋼優秀教師獎🧚‍♀️🐄,曾作為第一完成人分別獲得教育部科技進步一等獎、上海市自然科學二等獎、上海市自然科學三等獎🍩、上海市教學成果二等獎,已連續8次主持國家自然科學基金項目,2020-2024年主持一項國家自然科學基金重點項目,已培養博士和博士後60多人,發表SCI論文300多篇👩🏻,教學研究論文10篇📸,在國內外出版專著和教材10多部。曾任上海交大首席教授、上海交大數學系常務副主任📔、上海師大數必一体育平台副院長、數學系主任🤞🏼、上海師範大學學位委員會副主席、數學研究所所長、動力系統中心主任。曾作為學術帶頭人申請上海師範大學數學一級學科博士點獲得成功,曾作為項目負責人申請上海市數學高峰學科獲得成功🧞‍♀️,曾作為主編創辦三家國際數學雜誌(CPAAJAAC👇🏻、JNMA)🍑。近5年連續入選SCI論文高被引學者榜單.

報告摘要: It is known that the Melnikov function method is equivalent to the averaging method for studying the number of limit cycles of planar smooth near Hamiltonian differential systems. In this paper, we study piecewise smooth near integrable systems and establish the Melnikov function method and the averaging method for finding limit cycles. We also show the equivalence of the two methods even for systems in high dimensional space. Particularly, we obtain the formula of the second order Melnikov function for planar piecewise near-Hamiltonian systems. We finally provide an application example.


報告題目三:Univoque bases of real numbers: local dimension, Devil’ s staircase and isolated points




報告人簡介🚴🏻:李文俠🅿️,華東師範大學數學系教授,博士生導師。1993年在武漢大學數學系獲理學博士學位, 後赴荷蘭Delft理工大學做博士後研究,主要從事分形幾何與動力系統研究🔟🎲,在自仿集𓀋、奇異函數和數的表示理論等方面都做出了傑出的工作👮🏼‍♂️,發表SCI論文60余篇,多次主持國家自然科學基金項目🖐,部分研究成果曾獲教育部自然科學獎一等獎和上海市自然科學獎二等獎📳。

報告摘要: Given a positive integer M and a real number x > 0, let U(x) be the set of all bases q ∈ (1,M +1] for which there exists a unique sequence (di) = d1d2... with each digit di {0,1,...,M} satisfying x = ∑ (di/i). The sequence (di) is called a q-expansion of x. In this paper we investigate the local dimension of U(x) and prove a‘variation principle’for unique non-integer base expansions. We also determine the critical values of U(x) that when x passes the first critical value the set U(x) changes from a set with positive Hausdorff dimension to a countable set, and when x passes the second critical value the set U(x) changes from an infinite set to a singleton. Denote by U(x) the set of all unique q-expansions of x for q∈U(x). We give the Hausdorff dimension of U(x) and show that the dimensional function x→U(x) is a non-increasing Devil’s staircase. Finally, we investigate the topological structure of U(x). In contrast with x=1 that U(1) has no isolated points, we prove that for typical x > 0 the set U(x) contains isolated points. In this talk, we will introduce a class of nonlocal diffusion equations and the regular traveling waves, obtain the existence and uniqueness of the regular traveling waves for the equations, and discuss the effect of different dispersal strategies on the minimal wave speed.


報告題目四🧏‍♂️:Traveling waves for a nonlocal diffusion population model





報告摘要: In this talk we will introduce a  nonlocal diffusion population model with spatio-temporal delays,  and discuss the existence,  uniqueness  and stability of  traveling waves for this model. This is based on the joint works with Zhaoquan Xu.


報告題目五:Optimization by chaotic dynamics





報告摘要: We developed a new algorithm and method for optimization by chaotic dynamics, called chaotic simulated annealing (CSA). Specifically, we first constructed a neural network model by introducing a transiently chaotic dynamics. Unlike traditional neural networks only with point attractors, our transiently chaotic neural network (TCNN) has richer and more flexible dynamics, so that I can be expected to have higher ability of searching for globally optimal solutions. Bench examples of optimization problems demonstrated the high efficiency and effectiveness of CSA.


報告題目六📟🛌🏿:The SIS model in switched networks




報告人簡介🪙:靳禎👜,山西大學二級教授🧑🏻‍🔧。現任山西省疾病防控的數學技術與大數據分析重點實驗室主任👨🏽‍⚕️,山西省數學會理事長🤏🏽,中國生物數學學會副理事長🕎,中國數學會理事🧱,《PlosOne》等4個國際期刊編委☀️,山西省科技創新團隊帶頭人。曾獲教育部新世紀優秀人才🐲,山西省教學名師,全國優秀教師等榮譽🔸,享受國務院政府特殊津貼👩🏼‍⚖️。主要從事生物數學及復雜網絡研究工作,先後主持國家自然基金項目6 項👩‍💼,其中國家基金重點項目1 項,國家重點研發計劃子項目1項。作為第一完成人,2004年獲得山西省科學技術獎(自然科學)二等獎🕷,2007年獲得山西省教學成果一等獎,2010 年獲得山西省科學技術獎(自然科學類)一等獎,2014 年獲得教育部高等學校優秀成果二等獎獎(自然科學類)🤶🏿。發表SCI收錄論文200余篇,有12篇論文人選ESI高被引,出版學術專著7部(合著),連續5年入選愛思唯爾數學高被引學者。

報告摘要: Because of individuals’ random walk, people have different behaviors and thus have different social contact patterns. Therefore, topology of human social contact networks is time-varying, and the epidemic dynamics on networks is often subject to environmental noise and uncertainty. In this talk, we investigate dynamic characteristics of some SIS network epidemic model with Markovian switching, including individual-based network infectious disease SIS model, and mean field model based on degree distribution. An epidemic threshold is established for the extinction and permanence of the model, we shows that the epidemic propagation in switched networks is quite different from that of static networks. In addition, based on Lyapunov function method, positive recurrence and ergodicity of stochastic spreading processes are also discussed.


報告題目七:Exact solutions of nonlocal Fokas-Lenells equation





報告摘要: In this work, I aim at investigating what roles the noises are playing in bioreactors, with the hope to provide some sound advices to develop proper control schemes.In this talk we propose a nonlocal Fokas-Lenells (FL) equation which can be derived from the Kaup-Newell (KN) linear scattering problem. By constructing the Darboux transformation of nonlocal FL equation, we obtain its different kinds of exact solutions including bright/dark solitons, kink solutions, periodic solutions and several type of mixed soliton solutions. It is shown that the solutions of nonlocal FL equation possess different properties from the normal FL equation.


報告題目八:Dynamics of slow-fast predator-prey model of Holling type III




報告人簡介:張祥✡︎,上海交通大學特聘教授(博士生導師、二級教授、國務院特殊津貼專家),歐洲科學與藝術院院士。2000年以來連續主持國家自然科學基金📔。2003年起先後入選上海市曙光學者🃏、教育部新世紀優秀人才和上海市浦江學者。目前任中國數學會奇異攝動專業委員會主任、中國數學會理事與動力系統的國際SCI雜誌Qualitative Theory of Dynamical SystemsInternational Journal of Bifurcation and ChaosAssociate Editor等。

報告摘要: For a classical ratio-dependent predator-prey model of generalized Holling type III functional response, combining the geometric singular perturbation theory we obtain richer new dynamical phenomena than the existing ones, such as global stability, canard cycle, relaxation oscillation, canard explosion, cyclicity of slow-fast cycles et al.



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